Oscar Perez and Norma Salazar's Honeymoon Registry
To all our family and friends who are visiting our Wedding Registry,Thank you so much for all the love, prayers, and continued support of our relationship, engagement, and wedding. We are truly blessed to have so many people extend so much love to the two of us.We understand that we are definitely not a young couple, newly experiencing marriage for the 1st time. However, this is Norma's 1st and ONLY wedding; and it is also our final wedding/marriage for the two of us. We have found, in each other, what our hearts have been searching for a very long time. We understand now why previous relationships or marriages never withstood the longevity of time...our hearts were simply not at peace.We could no longer settle for anything less than what our hearts needed on this journey of life...each other! We have truly been blessed to finally have received the answer to some many of our prayers...each other!Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers, kindness, love, and support.we are deeply appreciative and blessed to have you in our lives,Oscar & Norma
Thank You for visiting our honeymoon bridal registry and wedding website. We decided to use this honeymoon bridal registry to allow us to pre-plan all the wonderful things we want to do on our dream honeymoon. If you have any questions about how our honeymoon bridal registry works, please contact a honeymoon registry specialist at
800-801-3493 and they can help with our wedding registry list. Again, Thank You so much for using our honeymoon bridal registry and wedding website. Most of all, thank you for being part of our wedding and helping us have the romantic honeymoon and wedding we've always imagined.