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Wedding Party
Erica Gonzalez

Erica has been my best friend since high school. She's the one that has dropped everything to come to my rescue many times through out our friendship. Erica has the ability to command the attention of everyone in the room. She's hilarious, and can reference almost every movie or show out there. Our vacations to Tennessee, and New York City, our multiple concerts we attended, and when I practically lived with her in high school are all my favorite memories together. I can't wait to stand next to her on my most special day yet. I love you so much Air. P.S. I'm the Mary!

Summer Snyder

Summer is one of my most loyal friends. Although her and I haven't been friends the longest, our friendship is so important to me because she came into my life, and proved to me what a friendship should be like. She's always there at any time that I need her, and never expects anything in return. My dogs are completely obsessed with her, and Max doesn't really like anyone so that's saying a lot. Our pool days, random shopping sprees, movie nights, and dancing/singing on fridays are some of my favorite times together. I'm so happy we've become such great friends because now that we are I can't picture life without her. I love you Summer Bummer.

Sarah Conrado

Sarah is my cousin, and first best friend in life. I feel so lucky God placed her in our family, because I couldn't imagine growing up without her. We were inseparable. It might seem weird, and maybe it is, but it felt totally natural to do bathroom breaks together. That's just how close we have always been. Skateland fridays, movie nights, middle school days, and when our families lived together are some of the best times in my life. I'm so excited to have you by my side for life babe. Love you more than all the stars in the sky.

Anna Conrado

Anna is my cousin. My soon to be fashion designer. The life of the party. You can expect a photoshoot anytime you're with Anna. This girl does not take a bad picture! She's a natural beauty inside-and-out. Besides living together as kids, family parties are where we've spent our most time together, and even though she was much younger than Sarah and I growing up I always tried to include her. I'm so lucky to have her as a best friend, and family. Love you Nae-Nae!

Karie Patrick

Karie is my childhood friend. 24 years and counting!! The girl I can pick right back up with, and it's like we've never skipped a beat. We started our friendship in the 90's when we were just 6 years old. Yeah, you could say we were all that! The times when it was normal to run the streets, and be back home by the time the street lights came on. Those care free days were those I miss more than anything. I'm so thankful to have you as my forever friend. I love you chick.

Kayla Sims

Kayla is my Rocky Balboa (black belt in boxing), and most honest friend. The girl I go to for life's advice, and when I need someone to put me in my place. I can't think of anyone that shares more in common with me than her. We became instant friends when we were both singing karaoke at a local bar, and I insisted she sing a song with me. Kayla obviously knew me better than I did because for 4 years she tried recruiting me as a bus driver, and eventually succeeded. I'm so thankful she did because not only do I get to work with Kayla everyday, but I love my job. Thank you for being real, and always being there. I love you so much!

Jennifer Weir

Jen is Mark's oldest sister, and a force to be reckoned with. She's strong minded, goofy, and the first to defend anyone she loves. One of my favorite memories of Jen was when we went to a balloon drop for black friday a couple years back. There were hundreds of balloons, and each person could only retrieve one. When I say this girl ran in there (all 4' 11'' of her) I mean she barrelled through everyone and came out with 4 balloons for the rest of us. Through out the past year our relationship has grown, and I'm so thankful she took the time to get to know me. Mark and I can always count on her, which is why we're so excited to have her stand beside us. I can't wait for you to be my sister. Love you!

Kaylie Waters

Kaylie has been my friend since 9th grade. We both made the volleyball team together, and became instant friends. Kaylie is sweet, caring, and the kind of person you want in your circle. She's forgiving, and at times I didn't deserve her friendship, but I'm glad we have remained friends through out the years. Learning to skateboard to performing in the school talent shows together are two of my favorite times with Kaylie. I feel so blessed to have you in my life girl, and even though we don't see each other often we can always pick back up from where we left off. Thank you for always being a good friend. I love you girl!

Cody Reddinger

Cody has been my friend since high school, and a true friend at that. He's been there for me more times than I can count. Cody is the type of person that will give the shirt off his back to you. From working on the camaro, to chilling outside having  a few cold ones.. those were the times! Love you man.

Nick Fix

Nick and I met back when I worked at Burger King. He always knew how to make working together fun. You could expect youtube videos anytime we were together. Racing down the highway and stalling out is one of my favorite memories. Nick has always had my back no matter what. You're a great guy, and anyone is lucky to have you as a friend.

Brian Stinnett

Brian has been family to me for as long as I can remember. He's fun to be around, understanding, and realistic. He's known for dancing on tables- even doing the cabbage patch. It's never a dull moment with Brian. I'm so happy you are part of the family man.

Tyler went from being a coworker, to one of my good friends. When I'm feeling down he can always find a way to make me laugh, or make my day interesting. I'll never forget pulling the frame on your jeep back using nothing but a tow rope and my truck. i'm thankful to have you as a friend man. Thanks for being there.

George Rose

George is Heather's Uncle. Words can't describe what he means to me, but I will say that he's always been welcoming, and never judged me. He has offered for Heather and I to have our wedding at his house, and has worked hard to make it special for us. George gave me a job opportunity, and it was fun working for him. Thank you for all you do man.

Roger LaBelle

Roger is Heather's brother, and my soon to be brother-in-law. He is full of energy and spunk, and always the life of the party. Here's to the future of being brothers. I'll be proud to call you that!

Christian Weir

Christian is my nephew. If there is anyone I know that could survive in the wilderness it would be him. He can make a weapon out of just about anything. Christian reminds me of myself in a lot of ways. Being his only Uncle I try to be someone he can look up to. If I want to tackle a project he is always someone I can count on to help. I'm happy to have him stand up with me. Love you buddy.

Clayton LaBelle

Clayton is Heather's youngest brother. When he stays at our house he is very helpful, and fun to be around. We play video games together. He's a good kid, respectful, and I'm happy to be his big brother soon.
